
Simply Zurich

Sa, 23.03.2024, 11–12:30 Uhr
Einfach Zürich

Known as "Athens on the Limmat" in the 18th century, today Zurich is likened to a Little Berlin: a city of superlatives, but with a cosy side. Consistently ranking among the most livable cities in the world, Zurich is much more than a banking center and transportation hub. Explore what's behind this success story and delve into Zurich's multifaceted past with art historian and museum educator Mimi Pecnik Rommens.

Exhibition views © Jan Bitter, 2019
Object Fotos © Mara Truog, 2019

Einfach Zürich

Museumstrasse 2
8001 Zürich
Office: Mühlebachstrasse 174, Postfach, 8034 Zürich

+41 44 520 30 17

Tram 4/6/11/13/14, Bus 46: Bahnhofquai/HB

Die Ausstellung «Einfach Zürich» befindet sich im Landesmuseum
Fotografieren erlaubt


Sa, 23.03.2024, 11–12:30 Uhr


Eintritt frei

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